Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Master your time, master your life by Brian Tracy summaries:

Strategic Planning + Goal Setting:
1. Write down 10 goals you want to achieve in the next twelve months.
2. Select the one goal that can have the greatest positive impact on your life and put a circle around it.
3. Make a written plan to achieve this goal.

1. Make a list of everything that you plan to do that day.
2. Prioritize your list and start work on the one activity that represents the most value use of time.
3. Start on the most important task and work until that one task is complete.

Income Improvement:
1. Identify one skill if you were excellent at that would enable you to make a more valuable contribution than any other skill.
2. Set goal to develop this skill, create a learning plan and work till you master this skill no matter how long it takes.
3. Set aside minimum 10 hours per week to learn, study, develop your most important skill.

Spare Time:
1. Power of compounding at work, acquire additional skills during your spare time.
2. Resolve to join the top 20% of income earners in your field.
3. Find what highest earners do in their spare time to stay ahead and then do the same thing over and over until they become habits.

Work Time:
1. Work all the time you work.
2. Leave things off. Use email and text messaging efficiently.
3. Plan your meetings with set agenda, time and plan of action.

Creative Time:
1. Develop absolute clarity of goal you would like to achieve. Create clear mental picture of what life and work would look like when you achieve this goal.
2. Gather information to achieve this goal.
3. Set aside times of silence and reflection so your superconscious mind can work to bring you the answers you need.

Problem Solving + Decision Making:
1. Define the single biggest problem you are wrestling with today in writing.
2. "How can we solve this problem?"
3. Generate 20 different ways to solve this problem and take action immediately on at least one answer.

People and Family:
1. Identify the most important people in your life. Those whose health, happiness and self-esteem are key concerns of yours.
2. Decide on the most important things you could say or do to make them feel happier and more valuable.
3. Resolve today to do or say something every day to someone for the express purpose of making him or her feel more valuable and important.

Rest and Relaxation:
1. Build rest and relaxation schedule into your life. Sleep deprivation hurts you.
2. Plan vacation schedule at the beginning of the year. Plan work responsibilities around it.
3. Book and pay for your vacations early to ensure you never delay or procrastinate.

Quiet Time:
1. Go into silence on a regular basis, once per day if possible. Practice solitude to tune into your higher powers.
2. Practice mindfulness, slowing down to increase your sense of awareness, when you eat, work, and talk with others.
3. Practice meditation for a few minutes each day by closing your eyes while you sit peacefully and let your mind flow like a quiet stream.

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